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Why Medigegen

Mediregen Regenerative Aesthetic Medicine is for men and women.

Mediregen have both a dedicated men’s clinic and women’s clinic which is focused on their specific and often unique health needs.

MediRegen Treatments

Sexual Pleasure LoveShot

Using injections to increase the intensity and frequency of orgasm in men and women

Urinary Incontinence

Laser treatments to treat urinary incontinence in women

Atrophic Vaginitis Treatment

Treatment for the inflammation of the vagina from estrogen-based thinning of tissue

Lichen sclerosis

Restoration of the tissue and anatomy of due to the impact of Lichen sclerosis on the vagina

Inverted nipple treatment

Regaining lost sensitivity of the nipple for sexual pleasure

Nipple sensitisation

Improving nipple inversion, sensitivity and areola colour

Hair loss

Improving hair texture, thickness of hair shaft and growth of new hair in men and women.

Mum Makeover

Restore a women’s body to its pre pregnancy state, breast, abdomen, vagina

Hyperhidrosis Sweat No More

Reducing excessive sweat
